
EART63012 Pollution Management in Practice 2

 Week One: Surface Water Systems  1. Outcomes:  define the different types of artificial influences on flows;  evaluate the different types of abstractions and discharges;  explain why sustainable abstractions are important and why environmental permits to discharge are needed;  explain the impacts of reservoir releases on riverine environments;  define the different methods to naturalise flows which have been artificially influenced;  explain about environmental flows;  use different techniques to naturalise a flow time series at a river gauge to account for artificial influences upstream;  practice using techniques to produce a naturalised flow time series for a gauge on the Xianhe River in China to estimate environmental flows requirements. 2. Lecutre 2.1 introduction 略 2.2 Artificial influences on flows Q: 1. What types of artificial influences affect river flows? 2. What are abstractions from rivers used for? 3. What impact do abstractions have on river flows? 4. Why are sustainab

开源阅读软件下载以及TTS Server的设置

 开源阅读: 新手上手: 下载与官方文档:https://github.com/gedoor/legado ;https://www.yuque.com/legado/wiki 下载与安装略 功能与简单介绍: 这里主要介绍官方文档里面写的不太清楚的点: 1. 首先这个软件支持阅读本地多种类型的文档,包括但不限于: epub, mobi, txt, pdf, word等,txt文档支持自动分章,epub格式漫画也支持。 2. 支持阅读在线小说,官方文档里面的“导入书源”指的就是导入别人写好的免费小说网站(就像笔趣阁)的一些规则,直接在软件的搜索框里面搜索就可以直接搜索到在线的资源然后缓存到本地甚至可以导出之后阅读(漫画也有)。 3. 下载3.0版本就可以,如果是老安卓设备使用的安卓版本过低的话可以下载2.0版本。 4. 如果想阅读本地书籍,最好是在手机里面创建一个本地的文件夹,然后把想看的书放进去,然后用这个软件打开这个书籍文件就可以了。这个本地的文件不要删除,因为删了之后书就没了。 5. 在线备份那些东西有没有都可以,反正我是没弄,我嫌麻烦而且我只是看本地书,我老手机有导入书源,但是现在手机完全没有设置其他的东西,除了阅读界面,其他的东西都是保持原始在用。 6. web看书以前我在家搭的小服务器上面我会用,因为用家里随便一个设备打开网页就可以用和手机app一样看书,很舒服,但是后来发现很鸡肋,因为我不会随便打开一个设备看书,设备有设备自己的用途,我不会用电视去看书,所以我就关了之后再也没用过,部署在服务器上一样的道理,对于我来说纯纯的没用。(苹果设备没法安装这个软件的一个替代办法,但是我除了平板不用苹果(笑)) 现在来说简单看一下文档里面的东西就可以舒服的阅读了。 TTS https://github.com/ag2s20150909/TTS 首先tts是:Text-to-Speech,如果使用系统默认的tts可能会很难听,而且感觉很生硬。然后微信读书内置的免费tts很难听,没有感情,听书很容易出戏,而且还不支持使用第三方的tts。所以我一直听书都是使用第三方的tts。 现在的tts有多种,但是好用开源的只有微软提供了api,所以现在用的都是微软提供的api。包括现在短视频的那种配音基本都是微软的tts,和我现在用的这个是同款,不过就是调整了语调和语速。 然后说一下

EART60061 M&P1

 WEEK1: Introduction Q1: Thinking about our learning 1. trained people can solve a particular problem, educated people can solve a wider range of problems. 2. Because environmental problems are rarely specific to a single subject, solutions are more likely to be improved by more education than training . 3. Whilst not the only selling point of an environmental scientist, the unique selling point(USP) is often an ability, achieved through education to recognise links between subject areas.  Q3: What is research 1.Writing the theory of evolution, the theory of special relativity and plate tectonics were types of induction .  These ideas which may have been derived from synthesis of a large amount of previous work or "thought experiments"were related to the real world.  Probably a large amount of research based on deduction was carried out before the induction was accepted, this may then have resulted in a paradigm shift . 编写进化论、特殊相对论和板块构造理论是正确归纳的类型。这些观念可能源于对大量先前工作或“思维实验”的综合,与现

M&P2 的最后一讲的Lecture的 3.Equation of motion for fluid 部分的完整转录稿

 完整转录稿如下:(我tm不懂啊 Shallow Water Modelling – Part 2 Now, let's think about the equation of motion for a fluid. If you recall the advection equation, this is a PDE or partial differential equation that describes the Lagrangian derivative, which is d/dt. In an Eulerian framework by breaking it down using the chain rule, as partial df/dt, plus the velocity multiplied by partial df/dx. And this is a one-dimensional advection equation. And we use this in previous weeks to look at the transport of rain between levels in a 1d column model, for instance. As we've been talking about, Newton's second law states, F equals ma or ma is equal to F. And we can write that as m times dV by dt because the acceleration is just the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. Now, here we have a Lagrangian derivative dV by dt, and for our model describing the motion of a fluid, we want to use an Eulerian framework. So we have to change this Lagrangian derivative into an Eulerian derivative.

EART60071 M&P 2

 Measuring and Practice 2 Semester 1

EART60061 Measuring and Predictiong

Measuring and Prediction 1 Introduction 本课程为Measuring and Prediction 的第一部分,旨在定义与衡量污染物流动性和转型有关的技能与技能的一般过程,为了独立项目作准备。 Intended Learning Outcome ILO1 Recognise generic processes of research and be able to identify  "good" research    #什么是一个好的研究 ILO2 Make their measurements meaningful and recognise the quality of those made by others – quantification and propagation of error    #误差与置信度 ILO3 Design a sampling strategy by applying understanding of variability    #可变性与采样策略 ILO4 Select appropriate techniques for measurement by applying knowledge of how instruments work    #选择适当的技术 ILO5 Apply a process of mathematical model development to understanding a simple environmental system    #从数学模型到环境系统 ILO6 Evaluate whether written arguments are logical and ordered correctly    #论点评估

