EART60061 Measuring and Predictiong
Measuring and Prediction 1 Introduction 本课程为Measuring and Prediction 的第一部分,旨在定义与衡量污染物流动性和转型有关的技能与技能的一般过程,为了独立项目作准备。 Intended Learning Outcome ILO1 Recognise generic processes of research and be able to identify "good" research #什么是一个好的研究 ILO2 Make their measurements meaningful and recognise the quality of those made by others – quantification and propagation of error #误差与置信度 ILO3 Design a sampling strategy by applying understanding of variability #可变性与采样策略 ILO4 Select appropriate techniques for measurement by applying knowledge of how instruments work #选择适当的技术 ILO5 Apply a process of mathematical model development to understanding a simple environmental system #从数学模型到环境系统 ILO6 Evaluate whether written arguments are logical and ordered correctly #论点评估